Do Skunks Attack Chickens?
Opossums are regarded a nuisance animal since they are opportunistic and will feed on food left out in human houses, sheds, and decks to survive. An opossum rummaging through your garbage can, potentially causing a mess, is not uncommon. Opossums are frequently discovered eating dead animals and dying of sickness, hence dead animal extractions are common. Despite this, due to their low body temperature, opossums are not known to be rabies carriers.
If your home's entranceway is on fire, even the bravest raccoon will get the message, right? Regrettably, the answer is no. Raccoons may climb in rather than out when you open the damper. The good news is that there are several safe and effective methods for removing raccoons from chimneys, including using odor deterrents and placing a ground trap near the chimney's base. Our professionals have decades of experience and will handle everything for you, so you won't have to lift a finger or worry about making a costly error.
From removal and exclusion to clean-up and repair, our team of wildlife experts offers a complete wildlife removal service. We return wildlife to its natural habitat.
Bats are mammals having forelimbs that can be used as wings. They are the only mammals that can fly for an extended period of time. Bats consume a variety of insects, including mosquitos, and can consume up to half their body weight in a single night.
Moles are small animals that are between 4-6 inches in length. Their eyes are small, their front claws are huge, and their fur is silky. Moles may dig 15-foot-long tunnels just beneath the ground at a rate of 15 feet per hour.
Opossums - Opossums are about 15-20 inches long and weigh 4-12 pounds. They have a long tail and a gray and white body with a white face.
Raccoons - With their unique black mask and ringed tail, raccoons are simple to spot. Adults weigh between 10 and 40 pounds and are about 2-3 feet long.
Skunks - Skunks are a cat-sized weasel-like American mammal with unique black-and-white striped fur. It squirts a thin spray of foul-smelling irritating fluids from its anal glands towards its assailant when threatened.
Dead Raccoon Removal
We remove animal feces and broken insulation from your attic and install it with new insulation with the required R-value after we have removed any wildlife from your home and transferred them correctly. Raccoon feces could contain baylisascaris, a type of raccoon roundworm.
Our wildlife control experts perform another full inspection to ensure that everything has been completed correctly and completely. We will not close the job until both you and ourselves are completely satisfied that your animal problem has been resolved.
Will the City or County Animal Services Help with a Skunk Issue?
If your home's entranceway is on fire, even the bravest raccoon will get the message, right? Regrettably, the answer is no. Raccoons may climb in rather than out when you open the damper. The good news is that there are several safe and effective methods for removing raccoons from chimneys, including using odor deterrents and placing a ground trap near the chimney's base. Our professionals have decades of experience and will handle everything for you, so you won't have to lift a finger or worry about making a costly error.
We thoroughly remove bat guano from your attic and other damaged areas using professional-grade equipment after all bats have been removed from your home. We also install new insulation to the correct R-valve.
We perform another complete inspection to ensure that there are no difficulties or concerns once all bats and toxins have been removed from your home and all primary and secondary entrance points have been blocked. We won't call it a day until both our team and your family are completely pleased that your bat problem is gone.
We perform dead animal removal, Indiana snake removal, mole trapping, and other services. We can solve almost any nuisance animal problem. We are a private company, not the Fort Wayne Animal Control or Allen County Animal Services, which exclusively handle with domestic animals like dogs and cats. Remember, we are not a pest control or extermination company; instead, we provide Fort Wayne residents with humane wildlife removal.
What Does a Squirrel Look Like?
Bat Removal – Bats in the attic are a common occurrence. Brown bats, both big and small, can live in colonies or be solitary. Bats in attics can eat through insulation and cause health problems for anyone living within.
Raccoon Removal - In Indiana, raccoons are a common animal. They break into attics, ruin property, devour trash, and do a variety of other things.
Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves throughout the year, but especially in the late summer and early winter.
Removal of opossums and skunks - We trap a range of problem animals, including possums, skunks, and other rodents.
Serving Noble County, Indiana and the surrounding areas