Allen County Indiana Wildlife Removal Companies

Diet: What Do Squirrels Eat?

wildlife control

Some prevention approaches are more effective than others because to animal species' varying intellect and behavior. A target animal can learn to defeat a technique if it is conducted incorrectly. This can result in even more property damage, which is why these techniques should only be performed by expert professionals.

While some wildlife may appear to be small and harmless, it is important to remember that wild animals pose numerous risks. A wildlife encounter can pose a major health risk, from viruses and parasites to painful bites. Call a skilled professional to inspect any wildlife issues to protect yourself and your family.

Many wild animals in Indiana have learnt to adapt to their homes and even flourish in them. Some animals, for example, have discovered that attics are ideal living spaces. Other animals find shelter beneath homes or porches. These animals invariably inflict damage. Squirrels and rats, for example, enjoy chewing on electrical wires in attics, posing a major fire threat. With their droppings and parasites, raccoons can seriously contaminate an attic. The same can be said for bat and bird colonies. We specialize in resolving Indiana's wildlife issues, from snake removal to large-scale projects such as commercial bat control.

Because wildlife has adapted to living in close proximity to us, they don't mind sharing our homes. They frequently gain access to a home by chewing through roofing shingles or by discovering a small hole along the roofline and chewing it open until it is large enough to break entry. Vents are another common entry point for them into your home. Squirrels, for example, can wreak a lot of damage if they chew on electrical lines, and given the nesting materials they've brought into your home, they could even start a fire.

Identify Areas of Skunk Damage

Varment Guard employs biologists, zoologists, animal control officers, and anti-cruelty employees who are all dedicated to animal pest control expertise. With the help of our unique collection of professional knowledge, our highly skilled animal control experts can handle practically any wildlife control situation in Fort Wayne. We conduct every job with the utmost care, from dangerous raccoon removal to humane bird control.

It's critical to remember that wild animals should never be handled. Diseases like rabies can be transmitted by wild animals. Skunks, foxes, raccoons, coyotes, and bats are the wild animals in Indiana most at risk of rabies transmission. Rabies is a brain and spinal cord infection caused by a virus. The disease is spread by bites and when an infected animal's saliva enters an open wound or the eyes. Even baby animals can be contaminated, so even if they're cute, ill, or in need of help, DO NOT HANDLE THEM.

What Should I Do if I Find a Nest of Baby Skunks?

wildlife exterminator

Squirrels are not considered threatening to people, although their chewing can cause structural damage. As a result, as soon as you believe that wildlife is present in your home, you should contact a professional wildlife removal agency. Varment Guard Wildlife Services is delighted to provide superior removal, restoration, and wildlife exclusion services to the Fort Wayne neighborhood and adjacent areas.

You may notice squirrels in your yard on a regular basis. If they have gained entry to your home, though, you are more likely to hear them before you see them. Scurrying/scampering feet overhead, generally from the attic, are the most common sounds. Squirrels love to consume wood framework, as well as drywall and wiring, so you might hear scratching and chewing noises. The attic is the most common place to look for squirrels in your home. Squirrels breed all year, but activity is highest in the winter and summer. Their litters usually have two to four babies who stay in the nest for about three months. Squirrels will look for holes in trees to live in for protection, but if none are available, they will look for a suitable hollow in a neighboring home. The most primary criticism about these rodents is their presence in your home.

Opossums are regarded a nuisance animal since they are opportunistic and will feed on food left out in human houses, sheds, and decks to survive. An opossum rummaging through your garbage can, potentially causing a mess, is not uncommon. Opossums are frequently discovered eating dead animals and dying of sickness, hence dead animal extractions are common. Despite this, due to their low body temperature, opossums are not known to be rabies carriers.

Prevention Tips Homeowners Can Follow to Prevent a Raccoon Infestation?

Animal proofing and exclusion are the most important aspects of your wildlife control part. After a den has been evacuated, blood, hair, urine, feces, and occasionally even carcasses are left behind, thereby making the den site into an open house. If no animal is present to protect the territory, a skunk, squirrel, or raccoon will simply move in, and your problem will return to square one. This can be a complete nightmare if damage restoration has already been accomplished.

Serving Allen County, Indiana and the surrounding areas